Healthy teeth that have become yellow with age or have become discoloured as a result of drinking coffee, red wine, or smoking generally respond well to whitening treatments. However, there are many reasons for teeth discolouration. In addition to the aforementioned drinking of coffee and red wine, as well as smoking, discolouration is also caused by improper oral hygiene, consumption of spices such as curry or turmeric, taking certain medications, caries occurrence, and various types of systemic diseases.

Modern dentistry, however, makes it possible to eliminate the existing discolouration. Today, there are different teeth whitening methods that dentists can use in their work.

At the Anna Dental Clinic, we whiten teeth using many methods. Additionally, on request, patients can choose a set for removing discolouration at home. In the office, treatments are performed using the laser method, overlay, and also with the Beyond lamp. Dead teeth whitening is also offered.

Regardless of the choice of method and place of the treatment - in the clinic or at home - the results are very good. A special gel is used in each case to support them. In the case of laser brightening, dentists use the system BEYOND Power, thanks to which patients are not exposed to pain.

Our experts help with the choice of whitening methods.


Laser teeth whitening

Nowadays, most people decide to whiten their teeth with a laser. Before arranging such a procedure, however, you must take care of the proper condition of the oral cavity. First of all, remove sediment and limescale, and make sure that all fillings are properly sealed. The patient must also not have any lesions in the mouth. If the patient plans to put on crowns or bridges, it is recommended to do it after the procedure, because this type of restoration is resistant to brightening and the colour could be incorrectly selected.

Laser whitening takes from 30 minutes to an hour and is performed during one visit to the dentist. The effects last up to 2 years. During the procedure, a protective gel is applied to the gums, which is then hardened with a UV lamp. Then a discolouration lightening formulation, containing 30% hydrogen peroxide, is applied. After that, it is exposed to light . Hydrogen peroxide breaks down colouring molecules, lightening discoloration. In Anna Dental Clinic, this treatment is performed with the use of the Beyond system, which activates additional brightening ingredients contained in the formulation. As a result, they penetrate the enamel deep.


Dead tooth whitening

A tooth in which the pulp has died is called a dead tooth. It becomes brown, yellow or grey with time and is definitely different in appearance. That is why so many people care about eliminating the resulting colour differences. Before the procedure, however, it should be remembered that the tooth is properly rooted - to check its condition, an X-ray is taken at the beginning. Internal whitening of a dead tooth does not require anesthesia, and the procedure is performed only in dentists' offices - it is not possible to do it at home.

During the visit, the gums are protected with a special protective formulation. Then the chamber is opened by the dentist, who protects the root with cement or composite so that the formulation does not get into the canal. The next step is to put the whitening agent into the chamber and protect it against leakage with a special temporary dressing - a flipper. The patient stays with this dressing for 1 to 3 days. If the effect is not satisfactory, the treatment can be repeated several times. When the effect meets the patient's expectations, they have to wait until the formulation inside the chamber is neutralized. Then the dentist can fill the chamber with a filling.

Teeth whitening using the overlay method

This type of smile brightening can be done at home. Whitening with the overlay method involves creating a special overlay on the jaw based on the impressions taken. These products are in the form of a transparent rail. The patient also receives syringes and a gel, which he places at home on the prepared aligners and then on the teeth. The entire process usually takes 2 to 4 weeks, and the result is a colour brightening of about 6 shades. The patient who carries out the entire process at home is familiarized with the most important principles of the method used during a visit to the office. The effect of this method lasts up to 3 years.


Teeth whitening with the Beyond lamp

During the teeth whitening treatment with a laser using the Beyond device, cold light is emitted (called LightBridge). The dental procedure takes about 30-45 minutes. During it patients have a gel with an oxidant applied three times, which is illuminated by the previously mentioned cold light of the Beyond lamp. Thanks to this, the ingredients of the gel are activated. The effect of the treatment performed with this method certainly differs depending on individual conditions, but the colour can be lightened by up to 14 tones.

Importantly, whitening with the Beyond method is safe for the patient and does not damage the enamel. What distinguishes this treatment from other services of this type is that the Beyond lamp emits cold light. As a result, nerves are not irritated. Therefore, when using this method, patients do not experience such pain as in the case of using other lamps and methods of eliminating discoloration.

After each treatment of this type (regardless of the method) performed at the dentist's or at home, remember not to eat coloured food. So-called "White diet" is recommended. The time during which colouring products should be avoided is determined individually by the dentist performing the procedure.

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