We know how important the aesthetics of a smile is and what a huge role prophylaxis plays in looking after a healthy and beautiful smile. That is why we offer our patients preventive treatment solutions that not only improve the condition of their teeth, but also give good aesthetic results.

We offer:

  • white fillings - amalgam-free, natural tooth colour,
  • cosmetic bonding - bonding is a procedure in which an enamel-like material is applied to the surface of a tooth. It can be used to rebuild small chippings or to close small gaps and is often performed during one visit to the clinic,
  • cosmetic correction – it is a quick and easy way to improve your smile. This method works well for small chippings, reshaping sharp-pointed teeth or restoring the shape of worn-out teeth.
  • caries prophylaxis,,
  • treatment of hypersensitivity.

Usuwanie amalgamatu

Zalecamy usunięcie wszystkich plomb z amalgamatu i zastąpienie ich plombami wykonanymi z bezpieczniejszych materiałów dentystycznych, takich jak kompozyt lub porcelana. Aby proces usuwania był bezpieczny, używamy gumowych ochraniaczy, które izolują obszar zęba od reszty jamy ustnej. Podczas wykonywania tej procedury używamy specjalnego odsysacza dentystycznego w celu bezpiecznego odessania drobin amalgamatu i oparów. Po wyczyszczeniu ząb jest odbudowywany przy użyciu porcelany lub kompozytu.

Używamy kamery diagnostycznej, która pokazuje twoje zęby na ekranie telewizora. Dzięki temu możesz lepiej zrozumieć zabieg i śledzić jego przebieg.

Ikona SVG
Periodontitis is an infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting teeth. This is one of…
Ikona SVG
Teeth whitening
Get a beautiful, bright, white smile in just 45 minutes!
Ikona SVG
Dental surgery
We carry out basic and more complex treatments, including bone filling, removal of infected tissue…
Ikona SVG
Dental implants
An experienced team of outstanding implant prosthetists with 20 years of experience and over 6,000…
Ikona SVG
Root canal treatment
Thanks to many years of experience in the field of endodontics, we can provide our…
Ikona SVG
Aesthetic dentistry
A beautiful smile means not only a more attractive appearance, but also strengthens your self-esteem.
Ikona SVG
Painless treatment
Is it possible to administer anesthesia in such a way that it completely eliminates the…
Ikona SVG
Modern prosthetics
Modern prosthetics aims to minimize interference into the tooth tissue. Emax fillings are very tight…
Ikona SVG
Teeth veneers
Porcelain veneers are just thin pieces of porcelain, but in the hands of an experienced…
Ikona SVG
Price list
Every day we try to achieve the highest quality and aesthetics in the offered procedures.…